Focus Questions

In this video, you watched an interaction between four people at CDN Malls during their onboarding process.

Discuss the following:

  1. What do you notice about the behaviour of the people in the video? Do they make eye contact? Why is this necessary? Why does Susan think Paul is confident and trustworthy? What do these two words mean?
  1. Why is it important to show people we have these qualities? Can we show these qualities in other ways?
  1. What do you notice about the language the people use when they interact? How formal/informal is it?
  1. At the end of the video, Raja was going to ask a question. What do you think it was about? Can you complete it for him? Is it necessary to ask questions to make sure you have understood everything that is important? Why/Why not?
  1. What do you think onboarding means?
  1. The onboarding process involves three main stages. Which stage of the onboarding process do you think this video shows? Place the box with the phrase "Onboarding Process" on the continuum below.
Onboarding Process

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