After You Read – Vocabulary – Form – Answer Key

Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the correct words. Each word will appear once as a noun and once as a verb. Drag each word from the list into the correct blank.

  1. She had to report the accident to security right away so that they could call Maintenance.
  2. Who should I contact to sign up for training?
  3. What is the value of the Canadian dollar?
  4. That project is very complicated. It will be a challenge.
  5. Your break for lunch is from noon until 1:00 p.m. every day.
  6. Please address the problem with the entire staff.
  7. Did you notice the new schedule posted in the staff room?
  8. I have to submit my weekly report on the progress of this project.
  9. If you are looking for a job, I have a contact at the gas company.
  10. Remember to fill in your address on the top of the form.
  11. I read the notice reminding us about the meeting tomorrow.
  12. Boss to employee: “You are very smart and work very hard. I value your contributions to the team.”
  13. She does not agree with the information presented, so she will challenge it.
  14. Don’t drop the laptop, you might break it.