After You Read

Comprehension – Strategy 3: Restating or Paraphrasing

Choose the best answer.


In his email, Roshan’s Dad writes: “Twenty years ago today, you arrived at Lethbridge Regional Hospital. So much water under the bridge…”

He means, in other words, that

  1. today is the anniversary of Roshan’s arrival on a very wet and rainy day
  2. a lot has happened since Roshan was born
  3. he remembers coming over the bridge to the hospital with Roshan twenty years ago

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He also writes: “Auntie has a good eye when it comes to husbands.”

He means, in other words, that

  1. Roshan’s aunt has excellent eyesight
  2. another aunt, not this one, is coming to see her husband
  3. Auntie notices handsome single men about Priya’s age

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Roshan texts that he is “the black sheep of the family.”

He means, in other words, that

  1. he doesn’t do what his parents want or expect
  2. people might describe Roshan as darker than his family members
  3. he was born under the group of stars called Aries, the sheep or ram

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