Skills Enhancement for Newcomers

  • Skills Enhancement for Newcomers
November, 2022 to February, 2024

Contact Information:

Diane Hardy


Project Description

Skills Enhancement for Newcomers is a national initiative by Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) and is funded by the Government of Canada’s Skills for Success program. Bow Valley College was selected to be the lead institution in a working group of seven post-secondary institutions across Canada, along with an Employer Advisory Group and nineteen delivery institutions across Canada. Focusing on three of the nine Skills for Success necessary for thriving in learning, work, and life, Skills Enhancement for Newcomers saw the development of three microcredentials that address

  • Adaptability,
  • Collaboration, and
  • Communication.

While the three microcredentials focus on the high demand employment sectors of health, construction, and manufacturing and supply chain, the content applies to all sectors. Each microcredential is designed for learners at a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 6 or higher and takes approximately 20 hours to complete independently. Each microcredential is available in English and French. Upon successful completion of the microcredential, learners will receive a certificate and a digital badge that they can put on social media to help them connect with employment. As these badges are nationally recognized, they have currency for job seekers and employers.