Learning context and online learning experience questionnaire


A questionnaire for your learners to fill in at the start of an online course or activity can provide you with useful information about their learning context and their online learning experience. The answers will allow you to infer such details as their online access, how busy their schedules are, their motivation for taking the course, their proficiency in digital literacy, and their attitudes towards online learning.

In online language learning, the context and the experience of the learners need to be considered continually by the facilitator because of the potential for barriers to develop and create access problems. Language learners in an online space are often relying on a second language to access content and instruction – this means that more time and more careful consideration for space layout and instruction are needed. Language learners also bring with them into the online space unique cultural backgrounds resulting in behavior that may or may not be understood by other participants.

This resource is a questionnaire you can hand out to learners to learn more about their learning context and online learning experience. It includes information about types of barriers to learning.